Friday, August 22, 2014


Well, our arrival was very eventful.  We had a late flight from Dublin and landed about 10:00 PM.  Got through customs which was just looking at and stamping our passports.  We had used the laptop and iPad on the plane so just put them in the backpack, gathered out stuff, and headed out.  Doug had researched out route and knew what we had to do, where we had to go, and how to get there.  Didn;t work out quite as planned.

We got the bus and took it to the end of the line.  It left us at a plaza downtown.  Spain has much, much later hours than Ireland and people with children were about and lights were all on.  But we sure stood out as tourists, lugging our gear with us.  Anyway, off we went.  We were supposed to pick up the metro a couple of blocks away.  We ended up turned around, walked quite a ways, backtracked, and finally found the metro station.  Took the metro three stops and got off real close to the flat we were staying in.  It was now about 11:30 PM.  We were trying to get our host on the phone and wait for the guard (who had just left for a smoke) and generally find out how to get into the gated building.  Without detailing our stupidity but acknowledging that we thought we were being vigilant, we obviously weren;t vigilant enough and had our backpack with our electronics stolen.  Just at that time the guard opened the door after a call from our host and we reported it immediately but theft is rampant in Barcelona and we were just another victim.

Our host has been terrific and acted as translator, met us at lunch the next day at the Apple store to get info (another long wait), met us after work and waited and was translator at the police station and so on.  Long gone but we did all the things we were supposed to do so now it is catch as catch can.  Have our phones, have our camera, have our money and passports, so trip is not ruined.  Just a stupid glitch and expensive lesson learned.

Have been walking the streets of Barcelona for 2 days and I mean walking and walking and walking.  Don;t know how many miles we have walked but I better come home lighter than when I left.  Keep pulling out my camera and snapping pictures as things just keep popping out around the next corner.  Tiny streets and churches and such in small spaces which makes picture taking kind of tuff but makes the city interesting.  A very pretty city.  We did get in the Columbus statue at the port and yesterday we toured La Pedrera or Casa Mila that is a famous Gaudi building, and passed other Gaudi buildings.  Will add some pictures as Doug needs the computer.  More later if I can.

Casa Batllo (Gaudi)

Casa Mila (Gaudi)

Casa Mila on the roof

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