Sunday, June 15, 2014

Grand Tetons, WY and Island Park, ID

Grand Tetons
We spent 4 days driving through Yellowstone.  The roads within the park form a figure 8 so the park is divided into sections.  There are also 5 entrances.  We have been through 3 of those but have yet to go out the north and northeast ones.  Each day we took part of the park to drive through but it takes a good amount of time to drive it all due to it's size and the stops you make to see things.

Grand Tetons
One of the days we were doing the southern loop and just went out the south entrance so we could go through the Grand Teton Natl Park.  We had driven through it before and the mountains are just magnificent.  We had caught it before in cloudy weather and clear.  This time we caught a bit of both.

Grand Tetons
We decided to just go through the whole park to Jackson, WY and then just drive around the park back to Island Park, ID on the west side vs turning around and going back the way we came.  Long day (7 hrs in the car) but great scenery.

Grand Tetons

By our last day, my brother and wife had come up for the weekend and we drove around some of the local area in Island Park. 

Big Springs
There is an area not far from where we were staying that is not publicized much with tourists but is well known to the locals.  It is called Big Springs and is one of the largest natural springs in the world.  The water is crystal clear and must be good water because lots of plant life lives in it. 

It actually has three places where the springs feed the pool and a German named Johnny Sack built a cabin there and lived for many years.  He eventually made furniture that was rather unique and his cabin has been preserved as a tourist site.

Mesa Falls
We also went to Mesa Falls which is a very pretty falls in the area.

Kilroy was here

Cave Falls
There are actually 5 or so little back entrances into Yellowstone from Idaho that I never knew were there.  We ended up driving one of them to see Cave Falls and continued to the end of the road to the Bechler Ranger Station.  From that station, you can hike 30 miles through a canyon to Old Faithful.  At this time of year, you would have to cross a meadow that is neck deep in cold snow melt plus cross several other rivers of the same to get there.  It is not really crossable until Sept. but they see hikers then that make the trek.  Certainly not within my physical capabilities.  From that road you see the back side of the Grand Tetons.

Nice week in great country.  Always enjoy that area.  Now we are in Steamboat Springs, CO.

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